Jennifer Widom, Dean of Stanford Engineering, shared about taking risks and interdisciplinary work during Object’s November workshop. In 1993, Dean Widom joined Stanford faculty as a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She has also served as the Chair of Computer Science at Stanford.
Dean Widom discussed how she made a career switch between music and computer science late in her undergraduate education. While pivoting was a difficult experience for her, she slowly built the confidence needed to make the change.
Dean Widom emphasized the importance of combining engineering and the humanities to address some of today’s most pressing problems. She encouraged all the girls to not “close doors” and instead to explore.
Here are three takeaways from Dean Widom’s talk:
“People who don't have innate confidence can build it up in certain ways. Taking steps that feel a little scary will build up confidence.”
“If you want to make a change, do it. Don't get stuck in a rut. It's kind of a leap.”
“When things feel right, it is always good to try. Even if it's not quite what you were expecting or envisioning for yourself.”